Saturday, August 3, 2013

To new beginnings.

(the fan-girl is strong in this post...)

It's decided, since it is now officially Sunday (on the East coast) I am going to open my blog for business.. Err..What I mean is that I'm actually going to try and commit to blogging and hopefully start trying to post at least everyday. And what better day is there to start something than on a Sunday? ( No really is there a better day to start something?) 
Anyways I suppose I should describe how my weekend was. 
Friday started off as any other normal day. I woke up and did quite normal things such as sort my laundry and I continued to move my room around. I like to switch up my room a lot. I don't know why. I suppose like change. I noticed that I couldn't stop listening to Lana Del Rey's song Hollywood on youtube. I'm pretty sure it's a leaked song, so I'm hoping it will be on a official album so I can get my music greedy hands on it. 
The day went on quietly, until the BBC announced they would reveal who the next Doctor would be on Sunday (yes it's TODAY!
*If you aren't familiar with the Doctor, he's a character from the BBC television program called Doctor Who. Doctor Who has been running since 1963 and it's big 50th anniversary is coming up on November 23! The premise of show is about an alien (he's a Timelord from the planet Gallifrey) who uses the Time. and. Relative. Dimension. In. Space. (T.A.R.D.I.S.) disguised as a 1960's police phone box to travel through time and space. (Now that you know all of this, you should watch my Youtube video about Doctor Who! LINK)
This announcement is very important because the role of the Doctor is a HUGE role to fill and has a a LONG legacy of actors that have carried the role--11 actors to be precise! The reason why so many actors have played the Doctor is because the unique thing about his character is that every time he's close to dying, his body regenerates and he becomes a new man.  
So.. Yeah the new Doctor is kind of a big deal! 
To add to all of that excitement, the BCC also released a teaser trailer for the LONG AWAITED RETURN OF SHERLOCK SERIES! (LINK)
If you're an avid Tumblr user, you probably have noticed sheer amount of Sherlock fans that are present on tumblr and how the fandom literally rose from the dead with such a small clip. What I found most amusing about the trailer was the amount of feedback John Watson's moustache generated! I think Martin Freeman was going for a more traditional 'Victorian Watson' look but honestly, it looks like a fuzzy blonde caterpillar crawled up his face and fell asleep on his lip.
After all the Sherlock buzz I pack up my Vera Bradley weekender (yeah I am a VB nut!) and headed out for Skaneateles lake. My family has a camp out there and we try to spend as much time as we can there.

I could not go to sleep on Saturday night. I think it might've been the fact that I ate so many god damn Skittles, as well as the fact that the bed I sleep on at my camp is harder than a rock... After a restless night of tossing and turning and trying to find the most comfortable position, I finally got to sleep.. 
Only to be woken by my sister, Colleen, knocking on my door asking me if I wanted to go to the East View Mall in Rochester New York. 
Colleen has been dying to go there ever since she learned Lush was there so I agreed to go, with her. (I'm thinking about doing a haul video on my youtube channel.)
After an hour and a half drive, we finally got there and had a look around. We found the Lush and I stumbled into a cloud of weird and strong smelling soaps. I'll admit, I started choking/coughing the instant I walked in. The shop girl looked at me like I was a freak... When I had finally gotten used to the fumes, she took as on a tour of the store because it was our first time there. 
My sister was interested in the shampoo bars they have there. She ended up buying the blue sea salt shampoo bar. Surprisingly I found something I liked. I forgot what the shop girl called it, but it was a lot like a lotion bar with glitter in it. I rubbed some on my arm and it left a soft glittery residue on my arm, so naturally I wanted it. 
After Lush we stopped in some different stores. At Sephora I bought a basic Naked eye shadow pallet by Urban Decay (x) and a black glittery eye liner and mascara wand duo (x). I also spritzed myself with some Viva La Juicy (ONE DAY, I will buy that perfume!
At the Vera Bradley shop, I bought a new mini hipster in midnight blues (x). 
When we finished, we went to Target and I decided I wanted to buy a new movie so I went with Identity Thief, I hope it's good! 
Well, It's only 1:30 in the morning so there isn't much for me to report. It's strange to think that in just about 12 hours, I will be very close to knowing who the new Doctor is! 
I don't know if I'll be able to sleep, it's Christmas! :) 
I'll write more about Sunday tomorrow, in the mean time, GOOD BYE! :D